In the Community

As a locally-owned business, Barclay Street actively supports causes that matter to our clients, employees and the community at large. We pride ourselves on giving back in ways that make our communities a better place for everyone which is why we support a wide variety of causes including:

Heart & Stroke Big Bike Ride

Annually, Barclay Street supports Heart and Stroke Big Bike Ride to further research and innovation.




Sled Island Music Festival

As a supporter of local art and culture, Barclay Street has actively supported the Sled Island Music Festival for the last few years and helped it grow from a small venue festival to sought-after event that attracts talent from all over the world to Calgary.

Inn from the Cold

Barclay Street annually makes donations to the project “Inn from the Cold” to support homeless people in the Calgary community.

Professional & Local Sports

Barclay Street annually supports a professional golf ski tournament that promotes sports and activities throughout Alberta.



Youth Organizations

Annually, Barclay Street donates tickets to local youth centers so they can attend the Sled Island concerts. Barclay also financially supports local youth organization including sports teams such as boys’ hockey and annually sends employees to volunteer as counsellors at Camp Quality, a camp for kids diagnosed with cancer.

For sponsorship or community information, please contact us at